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I Can Change My Tomorrow

Abigail McNeil January 5th 2023
 I can change my tomorrow.

Today, I choose to believe in the abundance of peace. I choose to be happy. I know that I can have a beautiful and exciting life.

I understand that the choices I make today can determine tomorrow's outcomes. I choose the path that leads to healing on purpose. PURPOSEFUL HEALING: My Journey of Forgiveness from Existing to Living - Kindle edition by Gordon, Abigail. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @

Whatever happens in my life today, I can handle it because I am blessed and loved by God. I prefer to trust that I have already won through faith.

I am thankful for every experience, good and bad, for they have led me to greater happiness, abundance, health, love, friendship, and peace.

Whatever challenges I am experiencing right now are merely an opportunity for growth. I am open to overcoming adversities by focusing my attention carefully on the positive.

I see the good things in all situations. I focus on growing my mind and body through regular physical activity and emotional healing. Healing Course Forgiving Gifts | Life Coach Coatesville, PA.

I take risks, am adventurous, explore new opportunities, and seek help when needed.

Today, I release worry, fear, and negativity. I choose to be creative, have faith, and be optimistic. I am excited about creating a new tomorrow.
By 7063345643 07 Feb, 2023
You are Incredible!! You’re a source of light, of love, of compassion and of power. Consider the body that you’ve been blessed with, and amaze at the power you have. It allows you to stand tall and proud. Share love and guidance with those around me. Your body is incredible, and created perfectly just the way it is. Consider your brain and the incredible elements of it, that’s far more sophisticated than any technology. Marvel at the incredible challenges of your ability to heal. You’re smart, courageous and powerful. Honor your mind, body, and spirit. Be proud to be the person you are. Today, know that you’re incredible. See yourself as you truly are, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty, wonder, and blessings of being. Your soul is filled with love, attracting dreams, and being incredible. Self-Reflection Questions: What kind of language do you use when describing yourself to others? Does it tend to be positive or negative? What three things do you love most about yourself? What would your loved ones say are your best qualities?
By 7063345643 10 Jan, 2023
Forgiveness frees my mind and soul. When others do hurtful things to me, the act of forgiveness lifts the chains of anger and resentment. When I forgive, the bondage of emotional pain breaks, and I can live in peace. Bitterness stunts my growth and prevents prosperity. Holding on to anger causes the heart to grow cold. I am determined to shut the door on the poisonous effects of unforgiveness and the pain it causes. I will search my heart and extend forgiveness for myself and others for transgressions, old and new. By forgiving those who have hurt me, my heart is free, and I have another opportunity to love again. Forgiveness empowers me to rule over my emotions rather than become a victim of my circumstance. I am stronger when free from the heaviness of an unforgiving heart. Holding a grudge is like giving the offender permission to continue hurting me without them knowing. By forgiving, I take control and, with it, the ability to unlock love and mercy. Love is strong enough to overcome the obstacles brought on by discord. I give up my need to be right or feel justified to forgive fully. Forgiveness allows me to choose peace over principles. The selflessness that accompanies forgiveness is a strong foundation for exploring love again. Today, I choose to forgive those who have wronged me to free myself to experience peace and joy within. With arms open wide, I embrace my being free from fear. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. How do anger and resentment rob me of prosperity? 2. What can I do today to forgive those who have wronged me? 3. Why is choosing peace more helpful to my happiness than the need to feel justified?
By 7063345643 17 Oct, 2022
I let go of unwanted emotions. I refuse to give space to bitterness or resentment in my life. I let go of any resentment and anger that I might harbor. I let go of the past and any hurt I still carry. I let go of the need to keep score. I forgive others, and I forgive myself. I release negative energy and negativity wherever it manifests. I focus my energy on gratitude and positivity. If I hold resentment and anger toward someone, I know that it attracts more of the same back to me. Instead, I choose to move past that experience. I prefer to heal and grow. I release those energies and replace them with compassion and love. I choose to forgive and forget rather than harbor resentment and anger. I move forward, free from the burden and weight of these emotions. I step into my higher purpose. I look deep within my heart, and I find love. By releasing these negative feelings, I open myself to receive abundance. I release negative emotions to free myself from experiencing more negativity. As I release and
By Abigail McNeil 04 Sep, 2022
I forgive myself for all of my past mistakes. I might be imperfect, but I am still amazing. I am free of the need to be perfect. I am comfortable with making mistakes I make mistakes because I am brave and willing to try new things. I am committed to living my life to the fullest and that means that mistakes are made. All humans make mistakes, and I am a human. I avoid expecting myself to be anything other than human. I learn from my mistakes and put the information I learn to good use. In this way, I can see that mistakes can be helpful. Whether a mistake is helpful or unhelpful, I forgive myself for it. I let go of all of my mistakes with ease. I release myself from any guilt, shame, or embarrassment related to my previous mistakes. I am free from any negative feelings related to any mistake I have ever made. I forgive myself for my future mistakes, too. I have already forgiven myself for these mistakes. I forgive myself for all past, present, and future mistakes. Today, I am doing my best to avoid making any silly mistakes. However, it is okay if I do make mistakes. I can forgive myself quickly and move on with my day. I am acting bravely today without any fear of the mistakes I might make. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. What has happened in the past that I need to forgive myself for? Why haven’t I forgiven myself yet? 2. What would my life look like if I forgave myself for every mistake I have made? 3. Do I forgive others easily? Would I forgive myself more easily if I regularly forgave others?

11 Jun, 2022
Letting Go and Forgiving Others Learning to let go and forgive is a noble act. It can help you have peace with yourself and others. However great the benefits, though, it's not always an easy thing to achieve. Small transgressions are easy to forgive and forget. But then there are the big things for which you may feel the need to cling onto. You might tell yourself that you've let it go, but ultimately you haven't. In these tough situations, there are techniques that you can use to finally let go and find peace. Learning to Forgive It's important to learn to forgive. Holding onto grudges or resentments only hurts you. It can lead to bad moods, depression, or even health conditions. When you hold onto resentment, you allow a situation to burden your future. Forgiveness is the right choice to make, but it doesn't mean that you've forgotten what has happened. You might even still hold someone else accountable for the wrong. With forgiveness, you're simply making the decision to move on with your life. It means that, while you might not ever completely forget the pain, you'll still be able to live your daily life without it. And when you see the person who has wronged you, you won't immediately think of or bring up the situation. How to Forgive There's no set rule on how you should approach forgiveness. However, you may know deep down when it's time to forgive. When you realize that you've been replaying a situation in your head over and over, it's time to let it go and forgive. In order to forgive, you also need to allow a change to take place in your life. Find the compassion within to make peace with the past. You'll feel the change in your heart as you let the resentment go and make room for positive feelings. This can be especially difficult if the person you're dealing with seems resistant to change or doesn't even care about your forgiveness. In this situation, remember that you're searching for peace for yourself. It isn't about making the other person feel better; it's about making you feel better. Letting Go Once you've found it in your heart to forgive, it's time to work on letting go. This step can be so difficult, yet it's the most important. Letting go simply means that you're not fighting battles in your mind anymore. One way to let go is to adopt the attitude of a present moment thinker or forward thinker. You'll want to spend as much time as you can to truly experience life in the moment. It's when the past and negative thinking creep up that problems are likely to occur. When this happens, do whatever is in your power to ease your mind. You'll find that as time goes by, things do get easier to deal with when it comes to situations involving forgiveness. Remember that letting go is the best thing you can do for yourself. You certainly don't enjoy holding onto anger and resentment, so why continue? Ask yourself if those feelings are really serving a purpose for you. Then make the choice to forgive and forget. You'll be glad you did!
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